Tuesday 18 December 2007

Nick Clegg

First the Tories pick a Blair clone, and now the Lib Dems pick a clone of that. Does anyone in the Political Class realise that Blair was, shall we say, not quite universally loved?

Watch the figures for dedicated abstainers (factored out for headline purposes by the polling companies) shoot up after this, and possibly approach fifty per cent by the time that the Election comes. That's a hell of a lot of votes just waiting to be picked up. But will anyone bother?



  1. What makes you think your party is well placed to pick them up? Are they abstaining because they support your programme but don't have anyone to represent them at the moment? Or is it a bit more complicated than that?

  2. Well, they certainly don't have anyone to represent them at the moment.

    And if you look at our programme and philosophy as a pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war party of economically social-democratic, morally and socially conservative British and Commonwealth patriots, then you do get a picture of a very large section of the currently unrepresented British electorate.

    For that matter, you also get a picture of a very large section of those still clinging to Labour, to the Tories, or indeed to the Lib Dems in their heartland areas (the West Country, rural Scotland, Mid-Wales, similar pockets elsewhere), usually out of loyalty to dead parents or other relatives to whom those parties would now be unrecognisable and abhorrent.

  3. "pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war party of economically social-democratic, morally and socially conservative British and Commonwealth patriots"

    In principle, you only have to meet one of these six (of course, I know that that is impossible in practice) to be totally unrepresented. A vast constituency is just waiting to be reached.
