Thursday 24 April 2008


Why am I not surprised that certain people who try and post comments here are in favour of aborting, contracepting and sterilising the Left's electoral base out of existence, and of making it either actually or apparently necessary to import a new working class which understands no English except commands, knows little or nothing about workers' rights in this country, can be moved around at will, and can be deported if it steps out of line?

Read my friend Ann Farmer's Prophets and Priests: The Hidden Face of the Birth Control Movement (London: The Saint Austin Press, 2002; ISBN 1 901157 62 8). Don't come back until you have.


  1. what's your beef? No-one forces anyone to use contraception. Contraception is made freely available. People can decide if, and which contraception they want to use. Are you upset of the choices people make? Seems so....

  2. Read my friend Ann Farmer's Prophets and Priests: The Hidden Face of the Birth Control Movement (London: The Saint Austin Press, 2002; ISBN 1 901157 62 8). Don't come back until you have.

  3. No one forces people to use contraception, eh? Is it because you're so dumb that you hide behind anonymity?
    Haven't you heard of the one-child campaign in China, the two-child policy in Vietnam, the forcible sterilisation of Roma women in Czech Republic, the forcible sterilisation of hundreds of thousands of native Peruvian women under the Fujimori regime?
    Proving that arrogance and ignorance know no bounds you even advertise your monumental ignorance. All behind anonymity, of course. Mind you, who can blame you for that.
    Anyway, go away and read a book before you try arguing the toss.

  4. Maria, it may be that anonymous was referring to this country, where contraception is available but not compulsory.

  5. You really DO need to read Ann's book, Jeremy. Don't come back until you do.

  6. hi David, i'd love to read this book. Feel free to send me a copy. I'm happy send you my address where you can post this book.

  7. What utterly stupid rubbish this post is. The migrant workers who have come to Britain in recent years have as much, in many cases more, class consciousness than those workers who have their roots in this country. Or are we to dismiss the history of workers rebellion of the Polish workers who have moved here ignoring Rosa Luxemburg and Solidarnosc?

    The fact of the matter is that workers have the right to move where they will just as much as capital does regardless of national borders imposed on us by the boss class. Let us not forget that the First International was in part founded to prevent the movement of scab labour undermining the rights of the organised working class in this country but that body was always determinedly internationalist.

    Workers of the World Unite!

  8. Are you getting commission for this Book or something?

  9. I wish!

    I certainly do not ignore Solidarnosc, out of which grew the pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war political forces in Poland today. But Poland seems to have swung in the other direction of late, and in any case the Poles are going home. However, I am all for alliance with the heirs to Sobieski.

    I don't believe in the unrestricted movement of labour precisely BECAUSE I don't believe in the unrestricted movement of capital. We are nothing to do with Marxism, and I must make that clear.

    Ann's book is in print, and can be ordered from bookshops or from Only £9:95, and worth every penny. But do get in touch anyway, Richard -
