Monday 16 February 2009

Orbi Universo?

Fr Gerhard Maria Wagner is not now to become the Auxilliary Bishop of Linz. He had dared to talk, in thoroughly Scriptural and Traditional terms, about God’s judgement on sinful cities, making specific reference to prostitution and abortion. Have you got that? Prostitution and abortion.

The two go together, of course. Which is a very good pro-life argument for the anti-war position: war zones are always centres of prostitution, and prostitution cannot function without abortion.

If they will not have in Linz, and since we cannot now have him in Hexham & Newcastle, is there any chance of his appointment to Westminster?

Catholics in Austria are already looking for an alternative to the ÖVP after it condemned the Pope for having the temerity to appoint an orthodox Catholic as a bishop. Germany, too, stands in manifest need of a new formation to give the voters a pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war option at the ballot box. Where is it? And where will be next?

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