Friday 14 October 2011

Finding The Energy

The profit margin for energy firms, which was £15 per customer per annum as recently as June, is now £125 per customer per annum, while the average dual-fuel bill is now £1345 per annum.

The railways have always been open to renationalisation without compensation, on the grounds that their guaranteed subsidy was more than compensation enough. Profiteering like this makes it more and more attractive to say the same thing about the utility companies.

Since it was the Inter-War Conservatives who took electricity into public ownership in the first place, why is neither main party saying this eminently sensible thing about either of those essential public services?

Public ownership is a guarantee of national sovereignty and of the Union, and it is a proven means whereby the State can fulfil its duty to secure the economic basis of paternal authority in the family and in the wider community.

Moreover, remember that wildly inflated fuel prices, falling particularly hard on the poor (including very many of the old), are being enforced as part of the war against secure and skilled employment, against the paternal authority thus possessed of the necessary economic basis, against global economic development, against travel by us common people, and against our access to the meat that we are designed to eat.


  1. re-nationalisation of the energy industry is the only acceptable solution - going to start it?

  2. as the only politician willing to do so is a scottish socialist & if he hasn't worked out that "isms" are just schisms meant to divide us he won't get to far before his pro this "ism" & anti this "ism" will get in the way [as it's meant to]
