Saturday 5 May 2012

The God Squad, Indeed

Hysteria in certain circles that Christians may have been involved in persuading parliamentarians to act against Internet pornography.

The Tories Shaftesbury and Wilberforce used the full force of the State to stamp out abuses of the poor at home and slavery abroad, both of which are now well on the way back in this secularised age.

Victorian Nonconformists used the Liberal Party to fight against opium dens and the compelling of people to work seven-day weeks, both of which have now returned in full.

Temperance Methodists built the Labour Party in order to counteract brutal capitalism precisely so as to prevent a Marxist revolution, whereas the coherence of the former with the cultural aspects of the latter now reigns supreme.

Can't be having any of that religious interference, can we?

1 comment:

  1. Some very good points indeed. If anyone levels the accusation of religious interference one would do well to highlight the interfernece that the state wishes to impose upon religion.
