Friday 8 June 2012

The Blue Line Turns Red

The Government is busily creating a "National Crime Agency" answerable only to Ministers, staffed by civil servants rather than by sworn constables, and with power over Chief Police Officers. And now, it wants to appoint Tom Winsor, of all people, as Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary. As much as anything else, anyone who has used the trains recently can only wonder how having been a "rail regulator" qualifies him to be anything at all.

The Union as a first principle, any concept of English identity, a universal postal service, the Queen's Highways, the National Health Service, keeping Sunday special, a free vote on the redefinition of marriage, a referendum on continued membership of the EU, the historic regimental system, the State action necessary in order to maintain the work of charities and of churches, the State action necessary in order to maintain a large and thriving middle class, and now the police: the only way to save Tory Britain is to vote Labour.

As Tory Britain manifestly understands more, and more, and more. But does the Labour Party? Is it prepared to purge itself of the people who do not? When will it do so? Why has it not already done so?

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