Monday 12 May 2014

Brendan O'Neill, Once A Catholic

He is on stormingly good form against the ridiculous practice of referring to this year's Eurovision Song Contest winner, whose beard accurately bespeaks both a Y chromosome and a penis, as "she". He concludes:

I am well aware that there is a large component of social construction to the idea of gender.

The old notion that all women are soft and caring and all blokes are manly and gruff came more from society, and what it needed men and women to do, than it did from nature or biology.

But gender is not entirely a social construct. We can surely agree that it has a pretty big basis in biology, in facts, appendages, things.

To accept the idea that a man can become a “she” overnight, simply through demanding it, does more than flatter the pretensions of one individual – it also undermines the ability of all of us to approach the world objectively, to use a common language to describe people and objects that have particular attributes.

It obliterates the very Enlightenment ideal of using reason and measurement to describe the physical world, in favour of allowing individuals to impose their own personal, petty, pretentious imagining of the world on to us all.

It is unreason dolled up as a radical stance.

It was only from Christianity in general, and from Catholicism in particular, that science acquired the idea that some propositions were just plain true, so that others were just plain false.

And it was only from Christianity in general, and from Catholicism in particular, that science acquired the idea that there was an investigable order in the universe; even if that order is a law of chaos, then the point still stands.

Faced with a changed intellectual environment which denies those foundations rather than simply presupposing them, science must return to the system that first asserted them in the midst of a former such environment.

That system is Christianity in general, and Catholicism in particular.

Thus, for example, while and by affirming the objective existence of the substance distinct from the accidents, transubstantiation also affirms the objective existence of the accidents, which are the objects of scientific investigation.

One such accident being Conchita's wurst.

Transubstantiation is the bulwark against the Postmodern assault on science.

Nothing else is.

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