Monday 1 December 2014

Browned Off

I am raising a glass to a flawed, but nevertheless a very great, man.

He saved the pound.

He saved the international banking system.

He saved the Union.

He deprived the Heir to Blair of an overall majority, thereby disproving the central thesis of Blairism.

He was Prime Minister while holding a non-Oxbridge degree, the root of all the hostility towards him. Holding no degree is one thing. But holding a non-Oxbridge degree is something else.

And Hilary Armstrong and Neil Fleming hated him.

Who could ask for anything more?

1 comment:

  1. You have always been Brown to NF's Blair, cleverer, infinitely more well-read and cultured, a vastly better speaker and writer (has TB or NF ever written anything?), politically active far longer despite being much the same age, but not as cool or pretty, so robbed of your turn by anti-intellectual troglodytes.
