Sunday 8 February 2015

Berk, Not Burqa

I normally like Deborah Orr. But comparing Ched Evans's egregious behaviour to IS is beyond hysterical.

You have bet the farm on Ched Evans, haven't you? What is The Guardian going to do if he wins? Replace you all with working-class men from Sheffield, Oldham and Rhyl?

I carry no candle for him. But the class aspect of his treatment is very striking when compared to that of many other prominent wrongdoers.


  1. Whether or not he wins is irrelevant. We all know he's the victim of a bad law.

    1. A throwback to the days of the Iraq War, tuition fees, PFIs, 90-day detention, and everything else that bespoke a Labour Party that had been taken over by something fundamentally alien.

      But those days are gone. When Harman is out of the way, they will be dead and buried.
