Sunday 1 March 2015

Russian Blues

You can understand people with Trotskyist backgrounds believing this rubbish. But Tories?

They saw through the USSR, unable to transport bread from one town to the next, yet allegedly able to invade Western Europe and even North America.

They were supplanted by Her and by those around Her, who, like Reagan, happened to be there when the Soviet Union happened to collapse, exactly as and when it would have done anyway.

Therefore, She gets the credit for that, when in fact no credit, as such, is due to anyone.

But proper Tories never had any more time for the Red Peril than they had for Her. They were right on both counts.

Whatever happened to proper Tories?


  1. Why aren't you published anywhere these days?

    1. No one can afford me.

      On-topic, please.

    2. It's not as if you need the money or don't have the access anyway. Sorry, off topic.
